Note: Internal reports and other material are also publicly available at Scholarship@Western (

  1. Pereira, A & L. Stephenson. 2024. The 2019 Election Study: A Mode Comparison in Electoral Studies.
  2. Schricker, L. & Sabin, J. Tlicho Election Survey 2021: Technical Documentation of Survey.
  3. Different Voters, Same Results? Comparing the 2019 and 2021 Canadian Federal Elections, Report prepared by Schimpft for the Consortium on Electoral Democracy, Dec. 7, 2021.
  4. Canadians’ Views About the 2021 Federal Election Process, Report prepared by Fernando Feitosa for the Consortium on Electoral Democracy, May 3, 2022
  5. Everitt, J. Report prepared for Elections New Brunswick, 2021.
  6. Canadians’ Views About the 2019 Federal Election Process, Report prepared by the Consortium on Electoral Democracy for Electoral Management Body Partners, April 24, 2020

C-Dem has commissioned a number of reports on aspects of our datasets:

C-Dem has also commissioned internal reports that touch on important issues of methodology such as sampling and survey question design. Please see HERE for more information.