À noter: Toutes publications utilisent, en partie ou entièrement, des bases de données collectées par le réseau C-Dem. En gras sont les chercheures principaux, co-chercheurs, collaborateurs ou membre du comité consultatif du C-Dem ou une personne venant d’un de nos partenaires. Les étudiants et les chercheurs postdoctoraux affilié au réseau C-Dem sont surlignés.
- Harell, A. & Hinckley, R. (2022) Racial Attitudes and Opposition to Immigration. In Cameron Anderson & Mathieu Turgeon (eds), Comparative Public Opinion. Routledge. pp. 331-348.
- Stephenson, L. (2022) Partisanship and Public Opinion. In Cameron Anderson & Mathieu Turgeon (eds), Comparative Public Opinion. Routledge. pp. 194-213.
- Harell, A. Kymlicka, W. & Banting, K. (2022) Boundaries of Generosity: Membership, Inclusion and Redistribution. In Markus Crepaz (ed.), Handbook on Migration and Welfare. Edward Elgar. pp. 102-117.
- Garnett, H. A., & Stephenson, L. B. (2022). Public Opinion on the Use of Technology in the Electoral Process in Canada. In H. A. Garnett & M. Pal (Eds.), Cyber-Threats to Canadian Elections. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Harell, A., Stephenson, L. B. & Deschatelêts, L. (2020) Public Opinion and Political Cleavages in Canada. Alain-G. Gagnon et James Bickerton (eds.) Canadian Politics, 7th Edition. University of Toronto Press. pp. 237-252.
- Petit-Vouriot, A., & Morden, M. [Samara Partner authors] (2020). Telling a Different Story Canadian Citizens and their Democracy in the Digital Age. In E. Dubois & F. Martin-Bariteau (Eds.), Citizenship in a Connected Canada: A Research and Policy Agenda. University of Ottawa Press.